Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Singer Solution And World Poverty - 953 Words

In â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty,† Peter Singer argues that Americans are extremely materialistic people. People have the tendency to feel the need to go out and upgrade to the newest clothes or electronics. Even though there is nothing wrong with the possessions that they have now. Specifically, he points out somebody that goes out and buys a new very expensive suit. He suggests that instead of going out and buying that new fancy suit why not donate to relief programs that will help save children’s lives. Singer states that it would only take two hundred dollars to save a child’s life. Singer suggests that instead of spending that thousand dollars on a new fancy suit why not donate it to one of the relief programs? Just in case that is not enough proof that people are very materialistic, Singer gives the example of Bob and his Bugatti on the train tracks. As you read you learn Bob had the option between letting a train kill a small child or crushing Bob’s Bugatti (380). Bob makes the decision to let the train hit the child because he had put too much money into his Bugatti. To Bob the Bugatti was his financial security for when he decided to retire and that is why he let the train hit the small child. And that is what Peter Singer is getting at when he says that American are too caught up about all of the new shiny things that they need to have. Peter also proposes that Americans have the â€Å"follow-the-crowd ethics† (382). While he is comparing Americans who are notShow MoreRelatedThe Singer Solution And World Poverty Essay1015 Words   |  5 PagesMagazine, the article â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty†, was written by philosopher Peter Singer. This article states that the solution to world poverty is for Americans to donate income, not vital for necessities, to aid overseas organizations. Throughout his argument, Peter Singer uses such strategies as ethos, pathos, and logos to build his atte mpt at a legitimate argument. Thousands of children die every single day due to hunger, and using various logical fallacies Singer seems to ring on theRead MoreThe Singer Solution to World Poverty752 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty† You bought those new Jordans yet? How about the new iPad? What if I told you that you could possibly save a child’s life with that money? In his September 5, 1999 New York Times Magazine article â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty,† Peter Singer goes in on American consumerism and its connection to world poverty. He also explains how donating $200 to overseas aid organizations like UNICEF and Oxfam America is enough to â€Å"help a sickly 2-year-old transformRead MoreThe Singer Solution And World Poverty949 Words   |  4 Pageschapter 20 ‘The Singer Solution to World Poverty’. In this chapter Peter Singer argues that normal spending of money on ourselves is immoral, and should be spent on the welfare of the poor. In this paper I am arguing against Singers theory because it contains errors and rest on a false premise. The premise of Singers argument is simple, people who make more money than is necessary for survival should and are morally obligated to give away all of their excess money to help the poor. Singer uses a coupleRead MoreThe Singer Solution And World Poverty987 Words   |  4 Pagesresponsibilities towards other individuals. In Peter Singer’s article, â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty† he explains situations that may benefit poverty but in doing so explains a person’s morals and willingness of a person to do so. America a capitalist country that Americans work to making a living for themselves and for some their children. Working is a big factor in America that Singer uses â€Å"Dora a retired schoolteacher† (Singer 400) as an example of a situation. Though Dora knows nothing is freeRead MoreThe Singer Solution And World Poverty909 Words   |  4 PagesIn â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty†, Peter Singer states that if Americans do not spend that much money in indulgences, they can actually stop many people from dying. He describes two hypothetical circumstances that support his Idea. In Dora’s case, she protects the boy when she discovered his deathly destiny. Unlike Bob’s case, He did not save the child’s life because he did not want to give up his luxurious car, because he invested his whole life savings on it. Singer adapt these two circumstancesRead MoreThe Singer Solution to World Poverty1062 Words   |  5 PagesIn the New York Times Article â€Å" the Singer Solution to World Poverty† the author Peter Singer argues that there is no reason why Americans don’t donate money to the needy when they can afford countless of luxury that are not essential to the preservation of their lives and health. Singer pursue the audience with two different situations trying to motivate the reader to donate money instantly. The fist situation comes from a Brazilian film, Central Station in which a woman called Dora, a retiredRead MoreEssay on Singers Solution to World Poverty1219 Words   |  5 PagesThe writer behind â€Å"Singers Solution to World Poverty† advocates that U.S. citizens give away the majority of their dispensable income in order to end global suffering. Peter Singer makes numerous assumptions within his proposal about world poverty, and they are founded on the principle that Americans spend too much money on items and services that they do not need. Singer uses some extreme methods in order to achieve his goal of getting readers to truly believe in his ideas and change their valuesRead MorePeter Singer Solution to World Poverty3113 Words   |  13 PagesSeptember 5, 1999 The Singer Solution to World Poverty By PETER SINGER Illustrations by ROSS MacDONALD The Australian philosopher Peter Singer, who later this month begins teaching at Princeton University, is perhaps the worlds most controversial ethicist. Many readers of his book Animal Liberation were moved to embrace vegetarianism, while others recoiled at Singers attempt to place humans and animals on an even moral plane. Similarly, his argument that severely disabled infantsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article The Singer Solution And World Poverty By Peter Singer1087 Words   |  5 PagesChioma Obi Professor White English 1301-81002 25 September 2017 The Right Thing to Do: Ending Poverty The article, â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty,† by Peter Singer provides the argument that Americans should spend some of their income to help those in need, instead of using it on luxuries that they don’t need. Singer supports his argument by indicating that we are somewhat like the characters in the story. I have mixed feelings with Singer’s claim because he expects that people have moneyRead MoreAnalysis of â€Å"The Singer Solution To World Poverty† Essay693 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿A Critique For â€Å"The Singer Solution To World Poverty† In the essay â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty,† philosopher Peter Singer addresses the issue of poverty by suggesting Americans give away most of their income to aid those in need. Singer believes that withholding income is the equivalence of letting a child starve to death. Therefore, Singer suggests the ethical thing to do to end world hunger is to give up everyday luxuries. Although donating a vast amount of money could help dying

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